Just returned from the lovely city of Copenhagen. I've been traveling the world the last couple of months and hope to share some of my photos and watercolors with you over the next few days.
One of the first things that you immediately notice upon arrive in Copenhagen is that there are bicycles everwhere. Because Denmark is trying to become a "green country" and improve there environment many residents ride bikes. And they ride them everywhere. I sat next to a gentleman on the plane home and he said until he had children that he existed with only a bike for transportation for 15 years. He said that as long as you have the right clothing you can ride day or night, rain or shine, winter or summer.
It was interesting to see women all dressed up for work with high heeled shoes and skirts on pedaling away. There were quite a few bikes with baby seats attached like in the US but then there were bikes that had something that looked like my large wooden garden cart attached. They seemed to carry an assortment of things from groceries to little kids all bundled up and strapped in.
Bikes end up getting parked everywhere, along the sidewalks, in bike racks and there was even a multi-level parking garage just for bikes next to the bus station. Most are not locked either. Apparently there are stiff consequences for stealing a bike in Denmark.
As a tourist you really have to think before you step off the sidewalk. There is a seperate bike lane and if you're not paying attention you could easily get run over. Rush hour in the morning and evening is especially frantic with bike riders everywhere. It is quite the sight to see. Does it make you want to get out the old bike, dust it off and go for a spin?