Mexico Afternoon, 10"x7", ink & watercolor, $35.

Sailboat on the Horizon, Mexico, 10"x7", ink & watercolor, $35.
These are 2 watercolors that I did in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico in February. One of my New Year's resolutions was to travel more. I didn't expect my wish to happen so quickly and so extensively but it did. I traveled with my sister Rosemary to the beautiful city of Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. It sits at the very end of the Baha Peninsula and you look out onto the ocean. We could see whales in the distance as we sat and had our breakfast on the terrace...a small piece of heaven!
What I'm working on today: I'm headed to Ohio University with my daughter Claire for a college visit. I hear that this is a beautiful area of the state so I'm taking my camera and my watercolor supplies along just in case the opportunity arises to create some art.