Wildflower Gardens, 9"x7", ink & watercolor, $55.

Marna & John's Garden, 9"x7", ink & watercolor, $55.
Today I had to drop off some paintings up north of Dayton in a charming little town called Kettlersville. It reminded me very much of the place in Indiana where I go so often to paint, Kewanna. My artist friend, Mike Elsass, has a studio in Kettlersville and invited me to show my work at his place this weekend and also come up and paint. I am involved in a "paint in" at Lake Loramie State Park on Friday. If you need something to do during the day and like to make art, pack up your supplies and come join us.
Both of these watercolor sketches were created at the beautiful gardens and home of John & Marna Gutman. I hope to return to this place again and do many more paintings.